Long time no see! i have a couple of outfits to show you!

Outfit rundown
Outfit rundown
Headband :handmade by me
Tshirt/dress: dropdead
peignoir: Angelicpartyshop
Skirt: dreamVSjp
Shoes: Taobao
Outfit rundown
Choker: Cute can kill
bow: chocomint
Skirt: Sheinside
Bustier: H&M
Belt,wig and overdress: Taobao
Tights & shoes: Ebay
I couldn't restrain myself from the urge to get pastel hair again so even thought i was terrified about the bleaching i did it! And my hair is still in really good condition! YAY !*success*
Outfit rundown
Overdress,shoes,belt: Taobao
Choker: Cute can kill
Bustier: H&M
Pink petticoat: bodyline
Tights: moonkitty productions
Outfit rundown
Dress: sheinside
Belt: Ebay
Tights and shoes: Taobao.
Outfit rundown
Bag,shoes and tights: Taobao
Outfit rundown
Everything is from Taobao except for the necklace which is from metamorphose.
Outfit rundown
Headband: handmade by me
Dress: Lizlisa
Lace cardigan,shoes: Taobao
Outfit rundown
Lace cardigan,dress, necklace: Taobao
Choker: Cutecankill
Tights: Facebook seller
Skirt and headband: Handmade by me
My hair have lost a lot of it's color but i like it like this too ^-^
And that was all i had to show you right now! My summer vacation have started but all i do is sewing all day on my cosplays haha.. What are your plans for this summer? I wish i could attend japan expo this year too, but i can't afford it this year ; 3 ; maybe next time!! Hope you are all doing well cuties!