tisdag 30 augusti 2011


Something really simple it gets so warm in our classrom so i try to not overdres with the layers, or you end up suffering because it gets too hot XD

måndag 29 augusti 2011


I was going to wear this to schoool today but i ended up staying home because i was to nauseous so i was home all day.

söndag 28 augusti 2011

Just one outfit~

This is what i wore yesterday when i went to the cinema with some of my friends and my boyfriend :3
Im glad i got so much positive feedback on my outfits thank you! i really appreciate it since im kind of new to the different styles ;u; So i will continue to post outfits that isn't lolita too ^^ hope you are ok with it!


lördag 27 augusti 2011

Outfits for first week of school

So this week was the first week at my new school so i thought maybe you want see what tend to wear nowdays XD im trying to get into a more Japanese street style look like the snapshots you see in kera my biggest inspiration is kyary i love her style * __ * anyways on to the outfits!






söndag 21 augusti 2011

Chesire cat

Hi i took some new pictures of my cordinate ;w; hope you like it!
I bought this parasoll from a friend it's from btssb *3*

and face up :3

lördag 20 augusti 2011

Coord for meetup~

Didn't take any better pics than these sorry :( the weather was terrible and we were gonna take pictures, didn't turn out that way since it rained so much :/
anyways i was chesire cat :3 (don't kill me for wearing a split wig and cat ears XD)