torsdag 23 augusti 2012

3 outfits and jewelry

First day of school i wore this pastel rainbow fairy kei coord :3
Second day of school i thought i looked kind of boring haha ; v ;'

Outfit for meeting up with Saga,Jözz and Marjela
Sadly Saga got sick so we couldn't hang out with her ; 3 ;

Not many outfits this time trying to update more often ^^

I'm working on my handmade jewelry for the upcoming japan flee market here in Sweden
Here is a little preview what i'm working on ♥

The roses with red paint are inspired by alice in wonderland :3
Made some earrings too :3
Also made these 2 bracelets one is Alice in wonderland inspired and the other.. i don’t know just felt like making eye roses XD
Alpaca ice cream * v *
Finished this alpaca ice cream necklace today ; v ;

And that was all for now bai bai~

17 kommentarer:

  1. your handmade things are just amazing!! youre so talented!
    wow even on the day you said you had a boring outfit, you still look better than me on a good day hahaha ;A;

  2. The eyeball roses are so awsome! What a great creative idea!

  3. Wow, you look so amazing as always!!

  4. Where did you get those shoes?

    Also, I have never seen fairy kei before, and no that I's pretty awesome.

    So weird...I've seen about every style except fairy kei... :P

  5. awww such a lovely outfits *-* I love the most second one ;3 and those bracelets are awesome! *-*

  6. I love the outfit you wore for your second day of school though ; o ;
    And your handmade jewelry is beautiful!

  7. So pretty!! You never look boring, you always look so stylish ♥
    The necklace is soooo cute!!!
    Have a nice weekend ♥

  8. Your school doesn't have strict dress codes? So envious! I wish mine didn't.

  9. boring? I wish people in my college wore such boring outfits :D Unfortunately there are just nerds (I study computer science) :P

  10. Ohaio :3 This is far from boring :9 I really like your blogg and your style, you are such a fresh inspiration for my every day life/lolita growing-self(and probably for soo many others :D) P.s your own-made decoda is very adoreable, Saionara ;)

  11. aww all three outfits are awesome,but I like mostly the first,I adore ur tights and alpaca necklase ^^

  12. I love your handmade things, they're always so pretty and cute *-*
    And I don't think your second outfit is boring at all, I really love it!!

  13. Love the second outfit! its not boring at all :) i super like the roses and arpakasso <3

  14. Your outfits are so cute! You are a really big inspiration to me!
    And I love your handmade things~ So cute!
    I hope I will meet you at the Japanese flea market! :3

  15. I seriously admire your coordinate so much *_*
    (Also check out the giveaway I am doing for a really cute cat purse!)

  16. I hope you read this fan-comment x3 I think it's so amazing that you've dedicated your life to these certain kinds of styles, I wish I was that motivated! I saw you at Uppcon when you were wearing your Ponpon-outfit, I thought you were so cute ; 3 ; and now I found your blog somehow, ureshi! I love your outfit updates, you always look way cute and awesome ^_^ I will follow your blog from now on! Yoroshiku ne! <3 /Kajsa (too lazy to log in haha!)
