So here are my outfits from the past month XD
Oh guess what i did i colored my own hair pink and purple :DD i have always wanted to try pink hair ^_^

This i wore to the japan flee market : D my clips from my purple and pink wig matched my own hair :'DD

And that were the coordinates i took pictures of :P hope you enjoyed ^_^
This i wore to the japan flee market : D my clips from my purple and pink wig matched my own hair :'DD
And that were the coordinates i took pictures of :P hope you enjoyed ^_^
Wow, you look really different with that short dark wig!
SvaraRaderaU're look fresh with a dark short hair
SvaraRaderaYour outfits are so inspiring! I wish I had half as much style as you, haha.
SvaraRaderaI love your outfits, you are so cute:>!
SvaraRaderaAw, I really love most of the outfits. I like this kinda posts, where there are more coordinates than just one :)
I love all of your outfits <3
SvaraRaderaWow you're very cute & inspiring (and brave, to make this your daily style) <3
SvaraRaderaVery nice outfits!
SvaraRaderaI like your new hair colour (^ω^)
I love your style! Awesome <3
SvaraRaderaYour outfits are always so cute!!! I literally gasped 'awww!' When I saw the one with the little pink skirt!
SvaraRaderaI love all your outfits! Your hair is amazing It looks like wig! (in a good way, of course! lol)
SvaraRaderaLet me ask you somenthig, where didi you buy your creeper? It's so cute!
Where do you buy that lovely skirt?? *-*
SvaraRaderaSupersöta outfits! *_* Du har så massor med underbara kläder!
SvaraRaderaEn fråga till här ännu. Ja ser att du har smycken från Cute can kill, ungerfär hur mycket blir shippingen till Sverige? Ja antar att det är samma till Finland. Har försökt ta reda på det på deras sida men har inte lyckats. XD Tack så mycket i förväg!
Where did you buy the mint wig?
SvaraRaderaIt's so beautiful! *3*
Tackar så mycket för svaret! :D Måste skicka mail asap...
SvaraRaderaOo, you're really cute! I like a lots of your outfits.
SvaraRaderaHi! I just discover your blog thanks to Bloglovin and I just love your style! I'm not a big AP/Fairy Kei fan but I love looking at outfits. Yours are so pretty and creative!
MUST. HAVE. SKELETON TIGHTS. Where did you get them? •3• BTW, aswome outfits!
SvaraRaderaGuud vilken söt blogg du har! Man hittr massor med inspiration. jag har själv funderat mkt på att bli sweet lolita, men jag har varit rädd för att vara ensam om det. Nu vet jag att du finns mer av oss i Sverige! kram// KawaiiRosetten
SvaraRaderaI love your style so much! Every single one of your outfits is unique and breathtakingly beautiful ^^ And I adore the way you do your eye makeup, you should do a tutorial!
SvaraRaderaI'm a fan!:)
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaHej, gud vad söt du e :3
SvaraRaderaJag har en fråga, vart har du köpt din svart/vit rutiga kofta/cardigan? Så sjukt snygg o:
Kram C: