I got the filler called Uma Jeunesse Classic i got 2 shots which is 2 ml. Uma Jeunesse is biological biodegradable so after around 6 months it will start to decrease and then go away completely.
I was really nervous because i'm terrified of needles, but they took really good care of me and even if it did hurt a bit (even got anesthesia cream before getting the injections) i think it was definitively worth it.
I will probably do it more times because i'm so happy with the result, i finally have full lips ; 3 ;
The first two days after i had them done my lips were huuuuge i took pictures but i ended up deleting them haha..
Before without and with makeup
After 7days, full lips yey!
(Pics with more makeup)
I'm happy i did it and i even concurred a big fear of mine which is injections.
I'm very proud of myself! ; w ;
För mina svenska följare så kan ni använda koden "Vipblogg" och få er första filler behandling för 1895kr istället för ca 4000-5000kr, ni sparar alltså upp till 3000kr ♡
Om ni vill boka en tid så kan du göra det här! (och även läsa om deras andra behandlingar osv)
And that was all about this little adventure
If there is anything you are wondering you can just ask in the comments
SvaraRaderaThat's your opinion i like them better "overdone" ^^
Raderawell, then there's at least one who likes them. congrats.
RaderaWell it's not like it's your face or anything why do you even care that much...
RaderaWasn't exepting a result this huge to be honest meeh but i'm glad it please you in the end ! :3 may I ask if it was expensive ?
SvaraRaderaI didn't think it would be such a huge result either so it was a pleasant surprise :3
RaderaI first i paid 252dollar for 1ml but when i got to the place she recommended me to get another one (one for my upper lip and one for my under lip) So i followed her advice and then paid for the other shot which i got for 407dollar. One shot usually costs around 700dollar so i got it much cheaper than it usually costs even if it wasn't that "cheap". So it depends on what you think is expensive ; w ;
I thought it was a bit pricey in the end, but at least i got it cheaper than the full price.
Ah yes I guess you have to pay the price when it comes to "appearence" that's kind of expensive for me x_x
Raderabut hey that's a nice discount you got there in the end hehe
You pull off big lips really well ^^ And congrats on overcoming your fear of injections! :D
SvaraRaderaThank you so much! ; u ;
Radera...sorry but it's soooooo unnatural to your narrow face... o.O
SvaraRaderaWell they aren't natural so......
RaderaI think you look as pretty as always! They suit you really well. As long as you are happy with the result, because thats the only thing that matters! ; u ;
SvaraRaderaThank you very much ;; - ;;
RaderaWhen I see you in your last pics on instagram i said: She looks different...her lips...mmm...
SvaraRaderaI'm going to be sincere. I don't like the result so much (I liked your lips before) but...If you like it and you feel great with it, PERFECT <3 <3 <3. I love of you that you are how you want to be and you don't care what others think <3 <3 <3
I still love you so much. I like you, I like your style and I like the kind of person you seem to be <3 <3 <3
Du ser underbar ut! Både då och nu! Du är fin precis som du är. Älskar din stil!
SvaraRaderaI thought that you've must have gotten injections and I personally don't really like it. But~ most important is that you feel better with it :3 and that is enough for me too! I also think that your lips might still be a bit swollen, I heard it might take around 2-3 weeks before your lips have the "final" shape. Nevertheless you are beautiful! <3
SvaraRaderaYour normal lips look better.
SvaraRaderaI think it looks absolutely amazing. maybe a tad bit "fake" since I know what you looked like before it, but I kinda like it. like who cares, you now have bigger lips fake can kinda be cool and I'm happy for you!
SvaraRaderai think with smaller lips you look more doll like/innocent but with full lips you look so sexy and more womanly which isn't a bad thing :) both look gorgeous on you. You are a beautiful girl and I commend you for going for what you wanted for a long time <3
I love it before, and I love it after. You're cute no matter what!
SvaraRaderaGosh your brave! I don't think I could have done that. I am super terrified of needles. I think it looks great on you, so don't mind all the haters :P
SvaraRaderaÅh, det blev verkligen fint!! (även om du var fin innan)Påminner om Lana Del Reys läppar. <3 Jag själv har funderat ett tag på att även ge mina läppar ett "lyft". Men det finns ju så mycket man undrar över.. Hur reagerade din familj på det? Själv har mina föräldrar lite svårt med tanken med att mixtra med sitt utseende, men det är ju en själv som bestämmer tycker jag iaf om man är över 18 med egna pengar.
SvaraRaderaKonsulterade du med dem(de på beautyprofession) innan eller hade du redan bestämt för dig för hur mycket som räckte, tänkte på att du nämnde att hon rekommenderade att du skulle ta två ist för en? Jag själv har en väldigt fyllig underläpp(lika stor som du har på bilden) med en "normal stor" överläpp, det händer ofta att det ser ut som jag bara har en stor underläpp haha... Så för mig skulle nog det kanske räcka med en på den övre, eller tror du(bara utifrån det jag skriver) att det kanske skulle se underligt ut med bara en och bli bättre med två?
Förlåt för den långa texten och så många frågor. Ps. Lyssna inte på folk som är neggo, you have a gorgeous face and are a gorgeous person, Work It Girl! ^3^
Åh tack så jätte mycket ; u ; jag pratade inte nåt om det med min familj innan då jag är över 18 och inte tycker att de har nåt att säga till om XD Jag bokade som sagt via ett erbjudande så konsulterade de inte innan men man kan nog göra det om man vill! Som det låter på din beskrivning så tror jag det räcker med en i överläppen bara om du redan har en väldigt fyllig underläpp ^^
Radera:o Well, before or after the injections, both looks good but I think that your lower lip didn't need any injection. (I mean, your upper lip was a little thin but your lower lip was great)
SvaraRaderaHello! I love you're blog very much...and you are very beautiful!
SvaraRaderaI love all your outfits...especially the loli ones! I'm super jelly of your wardrobe!
Please check out my new blog...xchubby-chanx.blogspot.com! Thank you!! ^_^
wow its looks really good on you ♡♡♡ .... I always consider that I have small lips, my lips are even smaller than your natural lips and you impress me to do the same thing like you because I always was afraid of it too, when I will have the chance and money to do that I absolutely will do that....I'm just worried about my parents and friends reaction, I hope that they will support me.
SvaraRaderaHow was it with your parents and friends, did they support you or they said it's stupid?