The first thing we did was to accidently oversleep yes oversleep.. haha T _ T
So we arrived later to japan expo than we had planned but there was no line which was a nice surprise. I wore a shiro lolita outfit i looked kind of a creepy dead bride haha.

Emi, Amanda and me :3

Amanda looking at Holley tea times booth at the expo :D
So much cuteness Q u Q
And this was my favorite corner!!6%dokidoki ! it was right next to the kyary both and the mameshiba both we spent most of our time there and our money, or well i did XD
The staff at the kyary both were so kind aah ;__;
i took so many random photos of the expo here is a few of them hehe ^^
They had a harry potter both there we came back everyday to take a photo! the staff were so happy that we visited them so they could talk english XD
Im the evil one dundunDUN...
Emi found Tardis! and a bunch of other cool bros XD

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"Who are you gonna call?,Ghostbusters!"

Japan expo was so huuuuuuuuuuuge we didn't have time to check everything out on the first day!o_o'''
Here is the shopping i did at the first day of the expo, i love everything i have been craving this 6%dokidoki skirt for ages!!*___*

End of part two!
Ooh! Your outfit is so beautiful! *__*
SvaraRaderaI wish I could go to these kind of conventions abroad, because they are so much bigger than in Finland.
Frillycakes ♥
Thank you so much!! * u * ah you should try it it's plenty of fun :3!
RaderaGreat pictures ♥ You looked so beautiful!!
SvaraRaderaThank you so much ^__^
Raderaohhhh so many cool stuff *____* i'm so stupid I didn't go there T.T
SvaraRaderayou look beautiful ;3
Thank you!! * u *
RaderaYou all look absolutely amazing ♥ I also love your purchases!
SvaraRaderaThank you so much!! * v *
RaderaSuch a shame I didn't manage to meet you or at least bump into you somewhere at the Expo's would be amaaaaaaaaaazing to see this amazing outfit of yours in real, as same as outfits of your friends ♥♥♥
SvaraRaderaWell the expo was huge so it was not easy to even find everything haha ;; v ;;
RaderaThank you so much ^w^
You always look so beautiful!! *o*
SvaraRaderaThank you so much ;;;; w ;;;
Raderayaay epic kawaii photos!!! <3
SvaraRaderaThank you :DDD♥
Raderaomg love the pics! I wish I could go to such a big convention~ And you got Paka Plus too?! Please do a review or do some screenshots of the game sometime~