I decided to wear one of my new sweaters today! ^-^
It's kind of a simple coord but simple is nice sometimes!
And here is my outfit from yesterday! A very floral cult party kei coord, i match with my room haha.
Oh also a little question!
Do you prefer when i take mirror shots or do you like these kind of pictures of my outfts? ; v ;
And that was all for now take care cuties!
What a cute outfits!
SvaraRaderaI really like your cult
party kei coords!
Also, imo the non-mirror
shots give a more personal
feel to them! I really like
them more.
Loved both outfits! *3* Actually all your outfits are sooo cute ;~;
SvaraRaderaOh, btw I'm loving your new cult party kei vibes! It really suits you and you does look like some kind of a fairy from the praires <3
lol I've heard of sheinside before,but never got to see their products because meh, I'm too lazy. >.<
I prefer these ones that are without mirror ^^ But understands that it maybe is more time consuming for you to take that kinds of photos, so I don't mind mirror photos either :)
SvaraRaderaI think such shots, without mirror are better to see the whole outfit. i also love mirror-shots because they are always very cute, but this is much better to see the the clothes.
SvaraRaderacute! the first look is my fav!
This outfit is stunning<3!
SvaraRaderaI like both outfits so much ;A; And I love it when you take both mirror pictures and pictures like these ! :)
SvaraRaderaYou are such an inspiration! Such pretty clothes & outfits! Also jealous of your face ;A;
I prefer non-mirror shots! Sometimes when you take photos in the mirror you end up obscuring your make-up or some jewelry, so this way you can get the full effect!
I think i prefer pictures like this ~
SvaraRaderaAgain, beautiful outfits! The sweaters are lovely!
Both outfits are just so pretty! *o*
SvaraRaderaI personally prefer non-mirror shots, because like the photos in this post it looks more pretty and personalized, but mirror photos are also super pretty! As long as I get to see your looks I don't really mind ;w;
Cute new clothes :D
You're just the most adorable thing ever.
SvaraRaderaHow about following each other? Let me know on my blog!
Aw, you're so cute! *_* I admire you! <3