(With flash)
(Without flash)
Comfort 4/5
These are comfy but tend to dry out my eyes a little bit but other than that they are great!
Color 5/5
They have a really pretty violet color and show off very well on my eyes :3
They have a really pretty violet color and show off very well on my eyes :3
Size 4/5
These are 14,5mm i usally like bigger lenses but they are really pretty regardless!
Overall score 4/5
These are 14,5mm i usally like bigger lenses but they are really pretty regardless!
Overall score 4/5

With flash

Without flash
Vassen rainbow eyes light greenish
Also available in purplish red,brownish hazel.grayish blue and greenish blue.
Also available in purplish red,brownish hazel.grayish blue and greenish blue.
Comfort 5/5
They are very comfy!
Color 4/5
I love the color! but i wouldn't call them light green..
I love the color! but i wouldn't call them light green..
Size 5/5
These are 14,5mm But i think they look bigger, but i like that so for me that's a +!
Overall score 5/5
These are 14,5mm But i think they look bigger, but i like that so for me that's a +!
Overall score 5/5
And there is a campaign until the 16th!
So if you buy 2 pairs, you get a extra pair for free!
Don't miss out on it ; v ;
Purple is beautiful ^o^
SvaraRaderaLight Green?!?! They look more purple/blue to me. There is hardly any green in it. O.o
SvaraRaderawow, both of them look amazing! *__* I really love them! But the secound one can't be a light green o.ô Oh well, it looks fantastic anyways. -^^-
SvaraRaderathose vassen rainbow ones look similar to the bambi lenses I was going to get. Really nice!
SvaraRaderaI really, really love the second ones. They have such a fairy-ish feeling when you still can see your natural eye color underneath. It almost look rainbow-ish and I really, really like that. <3
SvaraRaderaHi! I really don´t want to sound cruel, here on your blog is a lot of outfits I like. But when I see your every-day-wig styling, I must say, that it won´t help your hair to be pretty. The wig doesn´t allow your hair to breathe... And when I saw tag with Simon... Is he your boyfriend? Well, if you plan to have children with him, don´t let him wear tights and put a lot of clothes layers "there down" - I think you know that too high temperature round his "man´s organs" is not the best... I know it depends only at you, what you wear. It´s your own privacy and your own choice. But I don´t think it´s the best style, when boy looks like a girl...
SvaraRaderaCongratulations ☺ http://coccinellecreative.blogspot.it/
SvaraRaderaOhh I really like the first ones! And the make up you wear on those photos is so gorgeous ♥ May I ask what lashes you used (i.e. where they're from? )
SvaraRaderathose vassen rainbow ones look similar to the bambi lenses I was going to get. Really nice!Cute pictures! Love the lollipop. Your blog is so cute.
You have BEAUTIFUL eyes!! Just found your blog and I love the background and name....you're also gorgeous ;) I'm a new follower!
SvaraRaderaIf you're interested, follow me back!